Orderry Companion


New in version 2:

How to Use


  1. Install the Orderry Companion Chrome extension
  2. In the extension settings page write down your Orderry Api key
  3. Select the Process you want: Orders creation or Statuses change

Orders creation

  1. Select the Location and the Order Type
  2. Paste or write down the information about Assets and Clients into the grid
  3. Click the "Proceed" button
  4. And Magic will happen

Change statuses

  1. Select the orders you want to update by number or by Asset serial
  2. Click the "Proceed" button
  3. And Magic will happen

Contact Us

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at vasyld.dev@gmail.com.

The data grid component - Copyright (c) 2016, by Tony Germaneri